Are you happy with your current life?

Do you want to create a life that feels more authentic to you?

Do you want to know how to find solutions to your most complicated problems?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to live their best life and keep smiling through any tragedy while others spend their life complaining and wishing that their life would get better on its own?

Our professional life coaching services help you maximize your potential in all areas of life. We enable you to live a life of purpose and meaning that feels more authentic to you.

If you are curious to find out more, keep reading.

Life coaching is the place where

you find out what you really stand for in life and how

you finally get the life that you want

Are you tired of living a life dictated by others? Do you want to live a life that feels more authentic to you but you don’t know where to start? Our life coaching guides you through the fascinating process of self-discovery. We help you find out what you want in life and most importantly, how to get it.


We want to maximize human potential in all areas of life

life coaching MihaPower

Happiness is one of the most misunderstood concepts in our world. Some say it’s a choice, others define it as peace of mind. Some associate it with material possesions and cheap pleasures and others even think it doesn’t exist at all.

We believe, happiness does exist, and it is neither a choice nor a feeling. Happiness is found at the intersection of our hearts and brains, where all our core human values reside.

The reason why certain values like love, truth, and dignity prevailed throughout history is that great leaders fought and even died to defend them. True happiness is, therefore, something that is earned through the strength of character we show when we stand up for our values every day and refuse to compromise on them.

We’ve been told that if we want to live a good life we have to choose between the mind and the heart. However, we think that only by learning how to use them together can we achieve true happiness. The kind of happiness that sustains us through any tragedy in life.

Happiness is neither just about survival nor only about spirituality. Happiness comes from learning to create moments that bring the physical and spiritual world together as one.

Happiness is about living a life that respects both, our right to live and our human dignity, and we made it our mission to create a world where no one ever has to choose between those two things ever again.


In order to be truly special you have to become comfortable with being different

We live in a world where “normal” equals “good”. Since the day we are born others constantly try to mold us into something we are not and steping outside the box is perceived as bad and seen as unacceptable.

However, humans don’t just come with unique bodies and different intellectual talents but also with unique natures. Every human is born with intrinsic value and a unique set of talents and skills that they can use to serve the world. When celebrated and respected, they hold great potential for great progress and deep fulfillment in life.

We believe most people on Earth only use half of their physical and mental capabilities because they are missing to see this and our aim is to create more whole people in the world, people who combine their hearts with their brains to grow their potential and achieve incredible things in life.

We’ve made it our goal to empower every human on the planet to embrace their individuality since we believe that the only way to reach our true potential is by allowing ourselves to embrace our differences and learning to turn them into strengths.

Power is a tool that can be used for both, good and evil, just like a knife. When placed in the right hands amazing things can happen. However, power also comes with great responsibility and it is crucial that more people learn to embrace it since it is the only thing that gives our life true purpose and meaning.

Individuality MihaPower


A life coach is a fairy trained to help you find creative solutions to difficult problems


A life coach is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results in every area of life. They are like a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one who always has your best interest in mind.

Life coaching will push you to identify your goals, create an action plan, hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself. A life coach helps you with specific professional projects, personal goals, and transitions in many areas of your life.

They help you grow by analyzing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential obstacles you face, and devising a custom plan of action to help you achieve the outcomes you want.

Even a great strategy won’t succeed without the right mindset to implement it. Life coaching will help you define your core values and identify poor thoughts and behavioral patterns, and push you to meet and even exceed your results.

Save yourself decades of trial and error with life coaching services that will show you the secrets behind the greatest minds in history. You’ll learn that it’s never a lack of resources holding you back – it’s a lack of resourcefulness.

You don’t have to settle for the life you’re living – use life coaching to get the life that you want.



The first step is getting to know each other. We will meet in person or via video call. You will get to know more about my coaching style and then we’ll decide if we are a good fit for each other.


When you decide to start with coaching you will be able to choose one or more of the five options presented below. You will get your welcome package and then schedule your first session.


Life coaching is an active partnership based on mutual respect where you decide the direction. We find together the best way for you to achieve clarity on your goals, create a plan and establish priorities.


After each session, you will receive helpful resources and you’ll be required to complete a task. You will get professional support throughout the entire process so that you achieve your goals.


Most of us know what to do to improve our life but don’t take the actions to follow through on our goals. We tell ourselves we’re not smart enough to get that job promotion. We are not strong enough to achieve our fitness goals. Or that we are not brave enough to make that career change or date that person that seems to be completely out of our league. What holds us back every time is often not our capabilities – it’s fear of rejection, fear of failure, and sometimes, even fear of success.

Many of us were conditioned to choose the safe path in life, so it’s no wonder that we never go out of our comfort zone since we perceive every change as something dangerous or bad. Changing our life often requires humility to learn new skills which is scary at first, the competence that is often built through the boring process of discipline that most of us hate, and also the courage to embrace change and see it as an opportunity rather than a threat. Furthermore, it also takes a healthy level of self-confidence which many people lack. That is why, courage is the number one element we will focus on in this program.

You will learn that it’s OK to be afraid, but it is not OK to let fear stop you. Why? Because you will regret it for the rest of your life. The difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who just talk about them is the power to overcome fear and take action. Most people in their old years report that their biggest regrets in life are not the things that they tried and failed at, but rather not taking the chance to pursue their dreams at all. Don’t let that be you! Define your values, build your courage to live the life that you want, and step into your power to become a true leader, one that other people can look up to.

The fear of death comes from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

life coaching MihaPower








Although life coaches and therapists occasionally help clients with similar problems, their work is not the same

Therapy helps clients explore and understand their subconscious and past traumas. It aims to reach a deep understanding of behaviors and patterns to improve your emotional state and mental health. While therapy is needed in some moments, it’s also important to not get “stuck” in the past.


  • Sees labels

  • Problem oriented

  • Focuses on talking

  • Focuses on the past


  • Sees potential

  • Solution oriented

  • Focuses on action

  • Focuses on the future

Our life coaching service helps you see problems from different angles and get “unstuck” on your path. We assess your life for possibilities of improvement and growth and enable you to change and become the best you can be by creating an action plan so that your life changes for the better and you achieve your goals.

What you focus on is what you get in life. When you shift your focus on finding solutions, you start seeing possibilities instead of problems.







Resources are limited, resourcefulness is not. Learn how to become resourceful and achieve anything in life


For people who want to become the best version of themselves

Humans are like seeds. When their natures are respected and their needs are covered they bloom into beautiful flowers who make the entire world a better place. We help you identify your talents, create a vision for your life and help you become the best version of yourself. We believe the world needs more role models who act with courage and lead by example and we are committed to helping you become a real-life hero on Earth.

“True leadership is not about power but about the power of example.”


For driven professionals who want to become the best in their field

Our world is in desperate need of professionals of any kind and we help you become the best in your field. We help you build your skills, successfully present yourself in a job interview and advance your career in the direction that you want. We even help you find another career that suits your skills, talents, and interests better if that is what you want since we believe that the world needs the right people in the right positions to advance and evolve.

“Whatever you choose to do in life, do it with your soul and do it well.”


For working families who want to achieve work-life balance

To be able to take care of others you need to learn to take care of yourself first. Our lifestyle coaching helps you improve your lifestyle, take care of your health in a time-efficient way, optimize resources like time, money, and energy and build healthier relationships with the people around you, so that you can enjoy life despite all the challenges and difficulties that come along with trying to balance work and family.

“Putting your oxygen mask on first is not selfish but necessary.”


For small entrepreneurs who want to build successful businesses

Entrepreneurship is about finding unique solutions to complicated problems and good leadership skills along with creativity are essential if you want to succeed. This business development program enables you to turn your business idea into reality, build a business plan, assess your key performance indicators to know where you stand, and build a long-term strategy to help your company build success that lasts for generations.

“Entrepreneurship is about solving problems for other people.”


For people who want to maximize the power of their mind

Excellence is not an action but a habit. The human mind has immense power but the only way to maximize it’s potential is by combining it with a brave and loving heart. Our mind coaching helps you step outside the box, connect your mind to your heart, and see possibilities where most people can’t. Learn to think like an athlete, build true success and performance, and turn impossible into possible with everything in life.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”


We know we’ve found our purpose in life when everything else feels empty without it.

From the day we are born we are programmed by genetic and environmental factors in ways that determine to a very large degree who we become in life. However, that doesn’t mean we are powerless.

Tragedies and catastrophes are bound to happen to all of us sooner or later but what truly matters is how we react to them when they come. We don’t get to decide what cards we receive in life but we do get to choose how we play the game with the cards that we got.

Attached there is a poem that Nelson Mandela read every day for 27 years while he was imprisoned unjustly for his political beliefs proving that true freedom of spirit lies in the preservation of our dignity no matter what.

It doesn’t matter what we lose in life and how much we suffer. As long as we can hold on to our dignity and stay true to ourselves we will never lose ourselves and we will always walk with our head up through life.

We’ve built a unique life coaching concept that helps you tap into the greatest minds of history and teaches you how to build true happiness in life, the kind of happiness that is not dependent on any external factor and helps you smile through any tragedy in life.

No matter how much we try, we will never be able to change our past. Our stories are something to own. What we can do instead is change our future and decide to become the masters of our own destiny.

Life is not about having the best or being the best but rather about doing the best with whatever you have.



Achieve more personal growth

Develop your competence, self-confidence, and practical abilities

Build healthy relationships with yourself, your family, and other members of your community

Develop a vision for your life and improve your leadership skills

Build a strong mindset, maximize your potential and achieve more success

Live a life that is consistent with your core values

Become a real-life hero on Earth.


Raul came to us initially because he wanted to achieve a change in his body and improve his health levels. Once he saw the results he wanted to find out more about our lifestyle and business coaching programs as well. He and his wife are the owners of a relocation and real-estate company in Munich and we were contracted to help them optimize their life, business processes and create a future plan for the company that will ensure their long-term business success. The coaching sessions focused primarily on time, finances and energy management, cost optimization, but also building a more profitable marketing strategy for the company. We are proud to report that it was a very successful collaboration where most objectives set for this journey were achieved. We thank Raul for his trust in our services and we wish him all the best with his company.

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Improved time management


Improved health & sustained results


Improved work performance


Improved relationships


Increased leadership effectiveness


Reduced stress & improved energy


Look, we understand. Some fears are valid. Most of us have complicated lives and change is something difficult and scary for most of us. However, we also believe that there are moments in life when you should be more afraid of staying where you are than of the change itself. You see, if you think logically life can’t just be about doing what you want all the time but if your life is so miserable that you cry yourself to sleep at night and wake up tired every day, maybe it’s time to change something.

Most people see things like age, life responsibilities or children as roadblocks which stop them from living the life that they want. You see, we all get old and die but even scarier is to live without a purpose and to die without ever having trully lived. Children aren’t your biggest limitation but the biggest motivation. They can be the source of your courage instead of your fear. They learn by example and what better way to teach them how to be happy and healthy adults than to become one yourself?

Living a meaningful and authentic life doesn’t just have positive effects on you but on everyone around you as well since living a life true to yourself is something that has a ripple effect on your family, your work quality and your entire community. We created a unique life coaching program that will help you turn weaknesses into strengths. Dare to believe that something better is possible and transform your biggest fears into your greatest motivations in life.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the understanding that something else is more important than fear.

Are you ready to smile

genuinely every day of your life?

Our coaching services were especially designed for people who want more out of life. Learn to balance your mind and your heart, create a life that feels authentic to you, and experience more happiness in life. Contact us today to receive your individual life coaching offer.