I would like you to meet Bia – my first PowerGirl! Bia decided she has had enough as she realized that her life choices weren’t very healthy up to that point and decided to change her life and she came to me asking me to help her in her weight loss endeavours.
Bia weighed 98 kg, was living a sedentary lifestyle and her eating habits were extremely chaotic. She was also experiencing lower back pain when sitting for prolonged periods of time, she had bad posture, she constantly felt tired and she lacked the energy to do anything. She even tried to lose weight and she believed that by eating less she will be able to lose weight but she failed every single time. The combination of extremely restrictive diets and physical effort made her so tired that she couldn’t sustain them long-term and eventually gave them up, every time.
Bia’s lifestyle was so chaotic that just small changes were able to produce big results! So we started off with the basics, by slowly changing her lifestyle into a healthy one. This required mind training sessions in order to change some bad habits and to break some common misbeliefs, it required me cleaning up her diet and slowly introduce her to healthy eating habits, we introduced a rehabilitation program to correct her posture and muscle imbalances as I consider this step to be crucial before having people start any type of strengthening program in order to prevent injuries from happening and I slowly introduced her to physical activity again by trying to find opportunities in her daily life to help her move more.
It’s important to mention that Bia doesn’t follow any “diet” program currently, she is not counting calories and she eats almost everything that she enjoys eating as long as it is healthy! Most importantly, Bia is now eating way MORE than what she used to eat when she came to me. Bia was just thought to eat correctly and healthy and this is totally sustainable over time! I did the same thing with her physical activity levels. We used the types of physical activity that she enjoys doing, making sure that this will keep her motivated for the long run and I gradually introduced her to physical activity! As a Personal Trainer, my goal isn’t to create restrictions and limitations in my client’s lives, as I know they are not sustainable long term. But I strive to identify opportunities to create new healthier habits, which, if sustained for a long period of time, will create a remarkable change in people’s lives.
Bia weighs today 78 kg, she has lost 20 kg, she is eating healthier and she is much more active. She also reports that she is full of energy and feels healthier altogether. Most importantly, Bia’s smile has become addictive and that smile on her face is my biggest satisfaction of all!

Oh, but Bia is a true warrior and she doesn’t stop here as her goal is much bigger than that! Bia wants to get in the best shape of her life not only physically but mentally as well because she finally understood the importance of physical activity in our lives and the role this plays in our health and our happiness altogether and she is committed to going all the way! In other words, Bia has understood that weight loss is a marathon and not a sprint, she has fallen in love with the process and is a true inspiration to watch her say YES with a smile on her face to any challenge that comes!
As a Personal Trainer and a Coach, I believe that people are more than bodies! I don’t just strive to create good-looking bodies but I strive to create healthy people which in turn will translate into happy people! I strive to help and inspire people to embrace a healthier lifestyle because I know without a doubt, that health can create happiness in people’s lives. Looking good will come as a side effect!
So, there you have it! I wanted to share Bia’s story with you to show you that it is possible to change your life. You just need to say YES! Bia has achieved a lot in just a few months and this great woman has become a true role model in her own community as her drive and motivation are intoxicating. From a completely sedentary person with totally unhealthy habits, she has become now a person that looks forward to any type of physical activity. Bia has now become an advocate for a healthy lifestyle and she inspires many people in her community and in her family to do the same.
My dream is to empower as many people to start feeling not just good but great in their own bodies and to live the life they want.
MihaPower promotes health before anything else and it is my dream to empower as many people as possible to become the leaders of their own lives just like Bia.
Let’s give Bia a BIG THUMBS UP and cheer her on her way toward her goals as she is just awesome!
You rock PowerGirl and I am looking forward to our future adventures together!